

Centro de Arte


September 2018

The third edition of the Workshop of Theory and Criticism of art "A shot in the hole" is centered around the creation of video and new media. Every two years, this space becomes a platform for debate, exchange, and analysis of contemporary art in Cuba. During these days, the Provincial Arts Center of Holguin, was the scene of conferences, talks, the projection of audiovisual materials of the International Video Art Festival of Camagüey, as well as products of students and graduates of the ISA subsidiary in this city.
For the closing event, the artist and professor of the Academy of San Alejandro, Darwin Estacio Martínez, shared with the spectators, Coartada (Alibi), a personal exhibition that tries to examine the connection between photography, cinema and the contribution of these media to enrichment of pictorial practice. Culture, reuse of old codes, new forms, representation, and individual, are some of the key words, handled in the III Conference of Theory and Criticism of art, which closed its doors until 2020. Creators, students, intellectuals and even curious , they had the opportunity to dialogue with the most current works and dynamics.
